Rock Island Ramble 2018
This past weekend we partnered with our buds, Double Shift Brewing and Velo Garage to put on the first ever Rock Island Ramble, a fall bike pack excursion on the Rock Island Corridor. With bad weather looming, we weren't sure it was going to happen, but it stayed dry and we rambled on.
The Double Shift and Messenger marketing teams collaborated and put together the posters, t-shirts and swag for the ride.
Day 1: The ride started in Pleasant Hill, MO and finished for the night in Windsor, MO, covering nearly 50 miles.
The trek covered close to 100 miles round trip for the two days, and we only stopped for water (or beer) at a few small Missouri towns along the way. Each rider was responsible for their own camping gear that they had to pack in.
The campground was a welcome sight once we arrived and there was plenty of BBQ, beers and music. A collaboration brew between Messenger and Double Shift, Ramble On Coffee Brown Ale, was served as the riders rolled in.
The Creepy Jingles and MADMAN made the drive from KC to make some rock 'n' roll.
Day 2: Everyone woke up, got dialed in, filled up with coffee and headed back down the trail the same way we came. We had so much fun and can't wait to see everyone again next year.