Chemex Brewer

Communal and Beautiful

The Chemex's thick filter system creates a crystal-clear look into the nuances of coffee and highglights acidity. It drains
slower, requiring a coarser grind, leaving your cup without sludgy, murky characteristics. It's one of the best tools for
sharing coffee with friends because of the volume-to-quality ratio you can acheive with it. Plus, it's an art piece in and of
itself-MoMA displayed it as one of the best-designed products in 1943.

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Chemex Filters

Chemex Filters

Gooseneck Kettle

Gooseneck Kettle





45 G Coffee

Medium-Coarse grind

675 G Filtered Water

Just off the boil
or 200-205°


  1. Fold Chemex filter and place into the cone of a clean chemex.
  2. Fully rinse the filter.
  3. Drain the rinse water by lifting the side of the filter against the spout and pouring slowly without disturbing the other side of the seated filter.
  4. Add the coffee and shake gently to level the bed.
  5. Place Chemex on a scale and tare to zero.
  6. Start the timer as you gently saturate the bed of coffee. Use around 75 G of water or enough to ensure that the coffee bed has zero visible dry coffee grounds.
  7. Wait 30 seconds. continue pouring in circular pulses breaking up the crust and lifting the slurry a little each time. Finish by pouring heavily in the center to 675 grams.
  8. Total brew time should be 4 minutes or slightly longer depending on the coffee. If the drain time is too long, try grinding the coffee coarser or pouring more aggressively into the center of the bed of grounds rather than circular duraing the latter half of the brewing process.